Moving On

Hi everyone,

It’s about time to leave George Town and move on up the chain. Depending on weather, of course, the plan is to head up the Exuma Islands stopping at the cays that we missed on the way down. We will cross to Eleuthera and Royal Island and then head up to the Abacos. Connections may be few and far between, so don’t expect to hear from us for a while.

Life here has been good – other than the cost of groceries. I can’t get used to paying $4 for a bag or pretzels or nacho chips! Canned good also are outrageous – $4.50 for a large can of orange juice, $ $1.80 for a can of peas or corn. We tried to bring as much as possible with us, but eventually the cupboards are bare. Flour is reasonable – $ 2.50 for 5 lbs. I have got sourdough starter in my frig and bake bread several times per week. Another cruiser made soda biscuits! I was going to get her recipe, but I think that’s a bit silly!

We have recently had settled weather and have ventured outside with the dinghy to snorkel and fish. A rather large shark cruised by us, so we decided to fish from the dinghy. Caught a grouper on the line – about 5 lbs. Murray cleaned it and then put the carcass on a hook and dropped it overboard. About an hour later, he heard the line zzing out and grabbed his reel. A major fight ensued with the fish trying to dive under the boat and Murray reeling him in. Eventually, he had about 3 feet of a nurse shark out of the water alongside. The shark was 5 or 6 ft long, but we didn’t really want to land it. Murray let out a little line and the shark broke free. Entertained the anchorage for a while.

We will fish again later today – we had to come back and make more lures after yesterday’s trip. Two lures lost and no fish. But some days are like that.

We have heard that spring is on the way up north. The ice went out of Port Stanley harbour a few days ago. Dave Tilley said it was ready for us to bring the boat back (. I DON’T THINK SO ! ) A contact this morning said the crocuses were up in Sarnia. So soon it should be warming up. Boat work will start – waxing, painting and all the rest of the preps. Have fun!

Well, not much news here. Life is pretty quiet.

I will write again when possible.

Keep well.

Heather & Murray Rand
aboard Windswept IV
Ham Radio VE3 ZUA